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Public Opinion Form for Environmental Impact Assessment of Construction Projects

Date of filling    month   day         year
project name Ningbo Bost Polymer Mstar Technology Co., Ltd. Thermoplastic Elastomer Production Project
I. This page is for public comment
Suggestions and opinions related to the project's environmental impact and environmental protection measures (Note: According to the “Environmental Impact Assessment Public Participation Measures”, opinions or demands related to land acquisition, house demolition, property, employment, etc. that are not related to the project environmental impact assessment are not part of the project environmental impact assessment. content)  
(Please do not include national secrets, commercial secrets, personal privacy, etc. when filling in this content. If this page is not enough, you can attach a separate page)
Second, this page is public information
The public is a citizen, please fill in the following information
identity number  
Effective contact
(Phone number or email)
Resident address

Whether to agree to disclose personal information
(Fill in agree or disagree)
(If you do not fill in it, it will default to disagree)
The public is a legal person or other organization, please fill in the following information
company name  
Business registration number or unified social credit code  
Effective contact
(Phone number or email)
Note: The information of legal persons or other organizations can be disclosed in principle. If it involves information that cannot be disclosed, please indicate the legal basis and specific information that cannot be disclosed in this column. 


Mobile:+86-13771710123 +86-13586809688
E-mail: shiyixiong@bosite-tpe.com
Address: No. 47 Haifa Road, Binhai Industrial Park, Xiangshan County, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province